Aampe Endpoint


Estimated setup time

1 hour

The Aampe Events API endpoint allows you to post real-time event data to Aampe's system. This endpoint is designed for streaming live user interactions and activities as they occur within your application.


To use this API, you'll need an API key. You can find it by going to System Setup > Integrations > Aampe endpoint and clicking Connect

Endpoint Details

URL: https://ingestion.api.aampe.com/v1/events
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters

contact_idstringUnique identifier for the user triggering the event. Must be at least 1 character long.
event_namestringName of the event that occurred. Must be at least 1 character long.
timestampstringUnix timestamp when the event occurred.

Optional Parameters

event_idstringOptional unique identifier for the event.
metadatastringOptional JSON object containing additional event information.

Example Request

{ "contact_id": "user123", "event_name": "button_click", "timestamp": 1638360000, "event_id": "evt_123456", "metadata": { "button_location": "header", "page": "home", "user_type": "premium" } }

202Event successfully received and accepted for processing
422Validation error - request parameters are invalid

Error response example

{ "detail": [ { "loc": ["body", "contact_id"], "msg": "field required", "type": "value_error.missing" } ] }

Further details

Find detailed developer documentation here