Data Models
Description of the format Aampe uses to store data
These tables are provided as a reference to understand the data that we work with. It is not mandatory for you to provide us data in the exact format. We apply transformations as deemed necessary to translate your data streams and ingest into our system.
User Events / Messaging events/ Transactions / Click-Stream
Following is the data model Aampe uses to store app events.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
contact_id | String | A unique user identifier |
timestamp | Timestamp | The timestamp of when the event happened in UTC |
event_name | String | An event name corresponding to the event that was triggered |
event_instance_id | String (Optional) | An event identifier |
metadata | JSON (Optional) | Any useful data points about the event For example: Product ID Order value Order Quantity |
User Properties
You can read about what user properties are and their significance with examples here: User Properties
Following is the data model Aampe uses to store properties about users
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
contact_id | String | A unique user identifier |
country | String | Required |
<property_1> (e.g language) | ... | ... |
<property_n> (e.g language) | ||
notification_token | String (Optional) | Token of the user that will be used to send out push-messages, if different from contact_id |
email_address | String (Optional) | Email of the user that will be used to send out email messages, if different from contact_id |
Ease of use
You can also combine the events data and properties data as one data stream
Updated 23 days ago