Amazon S3 Message Data Export

For more complex analyses and for ingesting data into 3rd party SaaS tools we provide daily Message data exports hosted within Aampe's Cloud infrastructure.

Customer Setup Requirements

Aa we host the bucket you only need to provide us with arn role used for data access.

To find your AWS account's ARN (Amazon Resource Name) for use in IAM roles, you can follow these steps directly in the AWS Management Console:

Log in to the AWS Management Console: Go to and log in with your credentials.

Navigate to the IAM Dashboard:

In the AWS Management Console, search for "IAM" in the search bar at the top or find it in the "Services" dropdown menu under "Security, Identity, & Compliance."

Click on IAM to go to the IAM dashboard.

View Your Account ARN:

On the left-hand side, click on Roles under "Access Management."

In the Roles section, click on any existing role, or if you are creating a new one, proceed with creating it.

In the details of a role, you’ll see the Role ARN format, which looks something like this: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/RoleName

Alternatively use the account-level ARN (not specific to roles), go back to the IAM dashboard and click on Dashboard in the sidebar. Under the "Account Summary" section, you can find your AWS Account ID. To construct the account ARN, use the format: arn:aws:iam::your-account-id:root

AWS Documentation Reference:
You can also refer to the official AWS documentation on how to work with ARNs here: AWS ARN Documentation.

Export Schema

Data is exported daily to a GCS bucket with the following structure:

All data is located under the path: messages_send/{year}/{month}/{day}/

For example: messages_send/2024/09/25/000000000000.csv.gz

The data is exported as gzipped CSV files with the following example columns:

| send_date | contact_id | event_name | time | event_properties|

"2024-09-29""11171""Aampe Message Sent""1727614021217"{event_properties}

Detailed event_properties object

{"aampe_message_id":"f4fc8697-1c47-440f-b0cf-33faf5884e9c","message_id":3107,"message_name":"Referral | DE","channel":"Push","message_tags":["DE","Referral"],"messaging_type":"Delegate to Agents","timestamp":"2024-09-29T12:47:01.217423Z"}

Data Considerations

Data is matched to messages sent by your delivery platforms, such as Braze or Leanplum. To ensure data completeness, we export the data with a 3-day delay.