
Estimated setup time

15 minutes


  • Your Mixpanel's Project ID and Data Residency (Steps)
  • Service account credentials (Username & Secret) (Steps)

Aampe will essentially periodically pull from Mixpanel's RAW data export API.

Getting the Project ID and Data Residency

  1. Login to your Mixpanel account
  2. Click on the Settings gearwheel placed at the top-right corner of your screen.
  3. Select your organization under ORGANIZATION SETTINGS.
  1. Navigate to Projects

  1. Choose the project with the data you wish Aampe to ingest.
  2. You will find your Project ID and Data Residency in the table.

Creating a service account

  1. Log into your Mixpanel account
  2. Click on the Settings gearwheel placed at the top-right corner of your screen.
  3. Select your organization under ORGANIZATION SETTINGS

  1. Navigate to Service Accounts
  2. Click on + Add Service Account at the top-right corner.

  1. Choose a NAME for your service account. For example: aampe-data-export
  2. Select the PROJECT(S) with the data you wish Aampe to ingest.
  3. Keep the ORGANIZATION ROLE as Member and PROJECT ROLE as Consumer.

  1. Click on Create
  2. The service account Username and Secret will appear.

  1. Store these username and secret and then we will use these to query the Mixpanel API
  2. Navigate to System Settings > Integrations > Data Import
  1. Select Mixpanel and add your credentials.